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Rolex Replica Watches

The Grand Prix d'Horlogerie de Geneve has revealed its competing watchess this year. Its ladies' watch category features the most participants. The most impressive is the Rolex Replica Watches Marguerite Watch.

The Rolex Replica Watches brand enters the competition this year with the Marguerite model. Two years ago the brand's first ladies' watch named Margot won the award in the category "Ladies' High-Mech". The Marguerite model, like its elder or ancestor, is the ultimate romantic watch featuring a declaration love.

The watches has a hidden second display that shows the hours and minutes. This is displayed by two butterflies. The Arabic numbers 3, 6 and 9, which are displayed at 2 o'clock, disappear when you push a push piece. They are replaced with a personal, secret message: "Il M'aime Passionement".

A configurator available on the brand website allows customers to personalize this message according to their wishes. The new ladies' watch from Rolex Replica Watches is able to display any message, in any language requested by its owner. However, there are a limited amount of characters. The hour display appears again when you release the pusher. The rear of the device allows you to play the game "He Loves Me... He Doesn't Love Me",Tudor Replica Watches the simplified English version daisy petal.

This eye-catching ladies piece is available in five different variations. You can choose between a white or red 5N gold case as well as "flake" and "champagne' settings. Each version comes in a limited edition of 30 pieces. The model entered in the GPHG competition 2016 is 5N gold with "champagne' setting.

You probably already know that the awards are judged every year by a new jury, which will make their official selection. The public can vote on their favorite watch that will be included in the final selection. The 2016 edition has 172 entries in 12 categories.